Enolytics - Data analytics for the wine and spirits industry.

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Enolytics Capabilities Deck: Revised Version, Available Now


That’s been on my mind this week for two reasons, namely updating the Enolytics capabilities deck, and as an article topic for my column over on Inc.com.

Here’s what both projects have in common: the end result was unknown at the start. That’s where improvisation comes in.

It isn’t that we didn’t know where we wanted to go. It’s more that we needed constructive input from you in the industry, plus creative collaboration, to get us there.

Because let me tell you, in the case of our capabilities deck, it is not today what it was two years ago. Not even close.

It’s better, meaning more reflective of what our industry needs and is willing to bear.

Interested in seeing it? Please let me know. I’d love to share, and talk about the ways we can make a difference for your business.

Thank you, as always, for your continued interest and encouragement.
