The Two Most Important Issues in the Wine + Data Community Right Now



That about sums up the whirlwind of a week it’s been since I sat down to share with you the refresh of our website.

I’m so grateful for your taking the time to look at it, and especially for reaching out to let us know what you thought. Your responses, whether in writing or in clicks, help us to get a read on which areas resonate and which don’t.

Thank you, sincerely, for that.

Your responses also say something, I think, about where your interests and thoughts are directed right now when it comes to wine + data. That’s what I’d like to share with you this week: the two areas that earned the most traction on the website refresh and, in the bigger picture, what those two areas also indicate about current interests and curiosities within our community.

It boils down to tools to get the job done, and our collective learning curve around wine + data.


“How can this whole data thing help me sell more wine?”

I have no idea, of course, if those were the actual words running through anyone’s mind but, judging by your messages to me and the site analytics, that question was front of mind. Many of you visited the Products page, for example, and also past Enolytics 101 posts like “The Single Most Important Measure for Your DTC Program” and “3 Totally Fun Ways to Use Data to Sell More Wine.”

The common thread here is that you need to get the job done of selling more wine, and you’re looking for the tools to make that happen. That’s true any time. What’s different now is that we’re turning to data for help.

The Learning Curve: Bring on the Visuals

How do we talk about data? How do we learn enough about it, to be able to use it in our everyday working lives in wine? What are the best and easiest ways to access it, that speak to the way we communicate now?

Those would be a few questions weaving together the second area of predominant interest within this community right now. Adding a quick video to the website’s homepage was one piece of feedback, for example, along with requests for an Instagram handle for Enolytics and other ways to communicate visually about data in the wine world.

On that note, let me share with you this link to the video replay of the “On The Spot” session from Outshinery about learning to speak data at your winery. Valerie Logan of The Data Lodge, my counterpart in our data literacy initiative for wine and spirits, and I were guests on “On The Spot” last week to share our ideas and responses to exactly those questions that seem to be front of mind for you. Such as how data literacy can help wineries sell more wine.

(Which kind of brings us back to where we started!)

How about for you? Would you say that these two areas – the tools themselves, and our learning curve around wine + data – are top of mind for you right now? If not, then what is?

I’d love to hear. Please drop me a line.

Thank you, as always, for reading, messaging, and clicking through.



Your Help Wanted, Please: Game-Changing Trends in Wine + Data


Launching Today: New and Improved Website for Enolytics