200 Million DTC Data Records, and What It Means for You

The 2021 Direct-to-Consumer Impact Report: What Wineries Need to Do Now is available for download! Plus, tune in to a joint webinar on Tuesday, March 22 at 11 am PST / 2 pm EST. Register for the webinar here.

We announced our collaboration with WineDirect late last year, to produce the most comprehensive, most granular DTC report the industry has ever seen, based on nearly 200 million data records going back to 2017.

Not gonna lie. It was one of the most challenging things we've ever done.

But goodness, am I glad we did it.

Because the report illustrates our Why.

Why Enolytics is here, that is: To leverage the power of technology, and empower wineries to grow and thrive.
Data is the fuel for that, and WineDirect has it in spades.

Add the people - WineDirect's team and our own - with the knowledge and skillsets to transform the data into action items you can do today.

Then condense the findings into a package that is both visually rich and textually descriptive, and you've got a sense of the end result.

Except it isn't the end, because there is so... much... more... that can be done, and that we will do, with the data we already have and with timely refreshes of the data moving forward.

See for yourself. Follow this link to access the report. For more details about the report, please see our joint press release.

Most of all, please let me know what you think. We want to keep improving, and raising the bar around data for wine.

It's why we're here.

Thank you, as always, for reading and for being interested in this work —


Invitation for You: Schedule 30 Minutes for a Personal Deep Dive into the DTC Report


Women in Data Science, and at Enolytics: Moving the Needle