Enolytics - Data analytics for the wine and spirits industry.

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New Video Content: Depletion Data Analysis at the Center of Your Story

I gotta be honest.

We didn't see the depletion data thing coming.

We were pretty full-on focused on the ecommerce analysis -- in last week's post I shared this movie that walks you through it. But then some companies reached out to say, "Hey, we see what you're doing with the ecommerce data. Could you create something similar with depletion data? It's a pain point for us."

At first it felt like a side hustle, to take some of the strongest aspects of the ecommerce analysis and transfer them to a parallel analysis in the depletion space. Once people saw the interactivity and the ease of use, along with the potential to visualize and analyze this significantly larger portion of their business, we knew depletion data was more than just a side hustle.

You're welcome to take your time, of course, with this movie. Depletion data is a big part of your story, and there's a lot to digest when it comes to analytics.

Here are some of my favorite highlights and their timing during the movie:

  • Brand Filter (4:12)

  • Trends and Forecasting (5:45)

  • Drill Downs (6:36)

  • Product Flow (7:35)

  • Identifying Top Performers (7:57)

  • Advanced Reporting (9:16)

The movie isn't slick, but neither are we. We just get it done so that you can move more product.

Please be in touch with any questions or to schedule a live demo.

Thank you, of course, for reading and for viewing.
