Enolytics - Data analytics for the wine and spirits industry.

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Discount Code Available Now…

This week we’re looking ahead a bit to the Wine Industry Network (WIN) Sales Symposium. It’s on our calendars for a few weeks from now — May 16, 2024 — in Santa Rosa, California.

The organizers have graciously offered us a discount code of $50 off a ticket to the Symposium, using the code CATHY2024 through the registration page.

We’re very excited to be part of a panel at the Symposium, whose title is “Data in the C-Suite: Leading from the Top.” I’ll be sharing some observations about the ways that thoughtful and forward-thinking organizations can encourage and implement the use of data in their wine businesses, even if they haven’t engaged with data very much in the past.

From identifying talent within their own organizations, to modeling processes in their own workflows, to encouraging the development of systems and strategies that suit their businesses best, leaders are in powerful positions to drive the data movement forward.

I’m excited to hear from four other panelists, plus moderator Susan Dematei of WineGlass Marketing, who will also share their unique boots-on-the-ground perspective:

There’s a lot to learn. If I wasn’t already going to be there, I’d for sure be signing up.

With the discount code.

Looking forward to this, and thank you as always for reading —
