Enolytics - Data analytics for the wine and spirits industry.

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Enolytics’ Roadmap to Wine Data Integration: Tock, Mailchimp, RedChirp

“We’re like the Switzerland of wine data.”
What I meant when I first said this, in the early days of Enolytics, was that we’re agnostic about the source of winery data. If it’s data that’s going to help the winery to grow and thrive, then we want to work with it.
So far so good, whether that’s first-party DTC data (WineDirect, Commerce7, vinSUITE, eCellar for now, with others in the pipeline) and depletion data (VIP, Vinosmith), as well as the wide number of third-party data sources that will populate Enolytics AI.
What’s next? What other stops are along the itinerary for the Switzerland of wine data?
Here are three that are currently in our sights.
Tock Data
We can accurately track your guest count, your add-ons, the duration of the visit, the server, etc. Enolytics will be able to show you all your historic and future tock data and let you mine it for opportunities.
Mailchimp Data and Integration
When you create an audience in Enolytics, we want you to be able to send the audience directly to Mailchimp. We will read back all of the important campaign information such as clicks, opens, etc that will help further the buying behavior of your customers. You will also be able to build workflows in Enolytics that will automatically trigger Mailchimp campaigns.
RedChirp Data and Integration
Everything that’s planned for Mailchimp, we’d also like to apply to the RedChirp text messaging platform. We’re also planning to combine them. If a customer does not react to a Mailchimp campaign, a RedChirp message will be triggered automatically, or vice versa. (Have a look at this blog post from a few years ago, early in our relationship with RedChirp.)
Here’s a gut check: Our most recent analysis of Q3 2023 numbers indicate that DTC revenues are down compared to 2022, and we all know about the headwinds that make growth challenging right now.
But there are also ways to shift those headwinds, and redirect them in your favor. Data is a powerful way through, and a powerful change agent – to save you so much time and effort, and to truly help you to accelerate your growth.
Chris Huyghe, Co-Founder and COO of Enolytics