Enolytics - Data analytics for the wine and spirits industry.

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In Memoriam: Michael Longerbeam, Enolytics' VP of Consulting and Education

Enolytics is deeply saddened to share the news that Michael Longerbeam passed away on January 6, 2024. When he was the DTC Manager at Dry Creek Vineyard in Sonoma County, Michael was one of Enolytics' very first customers and earliest advocates of our DTC software. He provided invaluable feedback from his "boots on the ground" perspective that substantially improved the user experience and the software itself.

In May 2023, Michael officially joined the Enolytics team as Vice President of Consulting and Education and we were thrilled to have him on board. Sadly, Michael became ill just a few weeks after he joined the team, and we were never able to experience the full extent of his valuable contributions from an internal perspective.

I remember, very fondly, numerous meetings and cups of coffee with Michael in Healdsburg, where he introduced me to the pleasure of "Bangkok" coffee. During one particularly emotional conversation, Michael brainstormed ideas to commemorate his brother's recent passing. One idea that resonated particularly strongly with Michael was to designate one block of time on the same day each year, when friends and family of his brother would identify people who looked like they could use a boost and a friendly, anonymous cash donation. Michael intended the gesture to commemorate his brother, but it's also exactly the kind of thing that would memorialize Michael too: generous without expectation of return, kind, and "seeing" the troubles of others.

We miss Michael Longerbeam. And we are blessed to have had him in our lives.

He has, will always have, a spot on the Our Team page of our website.

Thank you for reading,