Enolytics - Data analytics for the wine and spirits industry.

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When DTC Data from Multiple Wine Brands Come Together: Multi-Tenant Functionality

Being able to see all of your brands' data all at once, or one at a time.

We call it "multi-tenant functionality," and it's one of the most popular features at Enolytics right now for both DTC and depletion data customers.

It's a natural progression, as the capabilities of our software continue to be better understood, scaled, and put to work: From one winery to two wineries, from two brands to multiple brands, and so on, all "under one roof."

The user requests, as you can imagine, are to see each brand or winery individually sometimes, and at other times to see them altogether, forming an internal system of benchmarking, comparisons and also crossovers.

No more manual retrieval of data.

No more aggregating data from multiple sources.

No more margins of error, stale data, or hours upon hours of effort.

The technology is ready and waiting for you.

It's about time.

Please reach out, and let's get you ramped up. We'll do the heavy lifting from the data and technology side. You do the other things you do best.

Thank you, as always, for reading --