Unleash Your Potential: Your Personalized Comparison Report

Have you ever wondered where your winery stands amidst the competition? Put your curiosity to rest with our meticulously crafted Comparison Reports. Designed to offer you a crystal-clear perspective of your Direct-to-Consumer (DTC) performance, these reports serve as your lens into many key performance indicators. It's like comparing apples with apples - straightforward, insightful, and incredibly revealing!

Thanks to the fruitful collaboration between WineDirect and Enolytics, these Comparison Reports are now at your fingertips. Our analysts have delved deep into a vast ocean of over 200 million DTC data records dating back to 2017 to bring you this invaluable tool. The Annual and Quarterly DTC Impact Reports laid down the benchmark. We're all geared up to present each winery with their unique "slice" of this mammoth report, updated with the latest figures.

This treasure trove of insights comes absolutely free and is only available to WineDirect customers. So, why wait? Embark on this enlightening journey and discover the untold story of your winery's performance. Here's to empowering insights and informed decisions!

Note: You have to be a Domain Admin in WineDirect to request your comparison report