Closing the Wine + Data Books on 2019, with Our Thanks

A simple Thank You.

That’s the lion’s share of what I’d like to say this week, in our last Enolytics 101 of the year and the decade.

Thank you for reading.

Thank you for your comments and feedback.

Thank you for being part of our efforts to raise awareness around the idea, and the potential, of wine + data.

Thank you for your encouragement and your support of our business.

Thank you for your constructive criticism and also for your skepticism.

It is all fuel for the fire, so to speak, of our mission.

We are more energized than ever, and are looking forward to channeling that energy into even better service to you and the wine industry in the year to come.

Thank you, simply.


PS On a timely note, we sincerely appreciate hearing from those of you who reached out following last week’s post about the CDO Executive Summit in San Francisco. It was indeed a unique event, and a unique opportunity to shine a light on the people of wine who are moving data forward.


Wine + Data for Wine Enthusiast's BIE Platform: A Very Cool Way to Kick Off 2020


I’ve Been Waiting All Year for This: Highlighting the Work of Our Colleagues and Clients in Wine + Data