Here’s Why 2022 Will Be the Best Year Yet for Wine and Spirits Businesses

Machine learning.

If we could name the one reason why 2022 will be the best year yet for wine and spirits businesses, that’s it.

The tools of machine learning are available to all of us in this industry now, at a scale and a price point that simply were not accessible before.

But now they are.

Machine learning is here and it’s in play. It’s part-and-parcel of the technology that Enolytics has put into the hands of wine and spirits businesses that you know, that you admire, that you compete with.

It’s time for you to benefit from it too.

Machine learning isn’t exactly new. But for the most part, it’s new to people in wine and spirits.

Is that an obstacle?

We don’t think so, and here’s why:

You do not personally need to know how machine learning works.

That’s our job. Once you see our technology, you’ll see how machine learning is running behind the scenes.

We got that part.

So what’s your job?

Reaping the benefits of machine learning for the sake of your business.

We talked about exactly this topic on a webinar this week. Please have a look at the highlight reel.

Then send me an email or give me a call, and we’ll get you started too.

That’s how we’ll make 2022 the best year yet for your business.


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