How to Seize the Data Opportunity in Wine, and What It Looks Like When You Do

"If they zig, you zag."

That was the most important lesson from my favorite professor in Journalism school. What he meant was, if everyone else is already looking at the story over HERE, then your story -- the opportunity to do something different -- is over THERE.

I've been thinking about that over the Labor Day holiday, when two different articles came across my desk. They're both from the academic world, and they both touch the sweet spot of Enolytics' mission to "fill in" the blindspot of wine consumer behavior and sentiment.

These two articles tell us where most people in the wine industry already zig. (Get ready for the zag, below.)

  1. Two weeks ago Neema Kotonya and Emiliano De Cristofaro of University College London and Paolo De Cristofaro of the Tipicamente wine blog published a paper about wine consumers' social experiences through the lens of the Vivino app.
  2. A graduate student named Marie Schu at Erasmus University in Rotterdam wrote her master's thesis on the wine industry's reactions to consumer use of new media ratings platforms.

What's the zig, according to these resources? As Schu puts it, most of her research subjects "appear to be in denial about the value of contemporary consumer rating practices."

Most wine industry people, in other words, are in denial about how impactful increased consumer digital involvement can be, especially since it brings with it the advantage of increased demand in the marketplace.

That's the zig.

Which means that the zag -- your opportunity right here -- is to capitalize on what most others are looking at, and denying, over there. That consumer usage of digital platforms increases every day. That the potential is already here, and available, and waiting to be tapped into.

What has been the response from someone, one of Enolytics' clients, who has zagged?

Giampiero Bertolini, Global Sales and Marketing Director at Marchesi Frescobaldi, put it this way:

Finally consumers are at the center of the strategy. Finally we can base decisions on solid data and not feelings. Finally wine marketers could enjoy a new era where the market needs are clearly identified and proactively managed. Cathy Huyghe and Enolytics has envisioned a new future providing what wine marketers were really missing!


Are you ready to seize the opportunity, while others lag behind in denial? Are you ready to zag, while most others zig?

We can help.

Please be in touch, and tell us what you need. And thank you, as always, for reading.

PS We've been updating our Press page with other endorsements and new media mentions. Please have a look.


Wine Data Success = Qualitative + Quantitative Analysis


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