Enolytics' Chief Technology Officer Receives Industry Award

They don't call them "legends" for nothing.

Ron Scott, Enolytics' CTO, was recently named to the "Vizlib Legends" community, an exclusive membership program of the most exceptional creators and engineers who build and delight with their analytics work.

"Build and delight."

That pretty much captures what Ron does for Enolytics.

"Ron's creative application of the Vizlib technology and willingness to share feedback to improve the products has benefited the entire community of one thousand plus organizations globally that use Vizlib," said Joe Warbington, VP of Industry Solutions at Vizlib. "It's exciting to see Ron's work in the Enolytics products and watch testimonials from your customers on how analytics is enhancing their wine businesses. Congrats, Ron!"

Congrats, indeed.

"I can not begin to express how honored I feel to be included along with so many amazing individuals from the data visualization practice," Ron said. "I think this honor speaks very highly of what the Enolytics team has done in the way of leveraging best of class visualization tools for our customers. The tools from Vizlib empower wine and spirit companies all across the globe to better understand their data through the creative lens of visualization. They have most certainly allowed the team at Enolytics to express our creativity in a way that maximizes our customers' ability to relate data to their business. A huge thank you to the team at Vizlib for selecting me to be a part of such an inspiring and talented group of individuals."

We're lucky to have you, Ron. Our sincerest congratulations on this honor.

PS Have you downloaded the Q1 2022 DTC report yet, from WineDirect and Enolytics? Get yours here (it's free) and register for next Wednesday's webinar here, where we'll discuss the findings.

Thank you, as always, for reading —


The Very Best Takeaway from This Week’s Q1 2022 Webinar


Sneak Peek: Q1 2022 Report on Wine DTC