Data Doesn't Need to Be Expensive. At Enolytics, It's Well Within Reach

Image Credit: Business Talent Group

"That's a lot less expensive than I thought it would be."

That's the most frequent response I hear from people who see Enolytics' pricing sheet for our DTC offerings. This week, I wanted to be sure that you're aware of it too.

$2500 for one year's subscription to Enolytics Daily.

That's it.

What's included?

A daily email sent to you and your team (you decide who receives it), plus a quarterly workshop with one of our analysts on a drill-down topic of your choice.

I kind of think that, when it comes to wine + data, it's the deal of the century. But of course, I'm biased.

It's $2500 a year to dip your toe into data, and start getting used to seeing it on a regular basis.

It's $2500 for 365 days of up-to-the-minute reports on your winery's DTC performance.

It's $2500 for four one-on-one workshops with an Enolytics specialist who really (really) knows how to use the system to tell you what you need to know. Maybe it's a deep dive into your winery's unique customer profiles. Maybe it a deep dive into the financials, or forecasting demand, or identifying who's at risk of leaving your Club.

It's up to you.

Enolytics Daily is perfect for wineries who know that data is important but are unsure how to get started, or who don't have the bandwidth to dedicate a team member's time to data. We designed it specifically for those reasons.

It's an easy, let's-get-to-know-each-other step to take.

Please be in touch, and we'll get the ball rolling. Schedule a demo through the button below, or just send me an email or give me a call at +1.702.528.3717.

PS The difference between Enolytics Daily and our Enterprise option is 24/7 access to your own dashboard, populated with your own data. Pricing for the Enterprise option starts $5700 for an annual subscription for a Small winery (with up to $1 million DTC sales from the previous twelve months), and steps up from there. We think that's very reasonable also, especially since it includes unlimited Master Classes and access to our robust Support Portal. But again, we're biased.

I look forward to hearing from you on this, and thank you as always for reading.


Introducing Enolytics 30: Try the System Risk-Free for One Month


What People Say: Initial Feedback to the 2021 DTC Impact Report