Enolytics - Data analytics for the wine and spirits industry.

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Who Your Customers Actually Are: Finding Profiles, Segments and Personalities within Your Own Database

Who actually buys your wine?

What do you know about them? What are their demographics? Where do they live? Which segments of “who” buys your wine are responsible for generating most of your revenue? And how can you do a better job of communicating with them directly?

They’re tough questions to answer for a significant part of your business where you’re operating largely in the dark.

For ecommerce, however, we’re here to help you turn on the lights.

Like, a lot of lights.

The “who” of your ecommerce is one of the most exciting parts of our analysis IMO, because we layer fresh streams of outside data on top of your own. The end result is that the profiles of your customers are more enhanced and fleshed-out than you’ve probably ever seen them.

Like this flow diagram that shows a winery’s demographic breakdown of their customers during a defined period of time. We’re able to see, for example, how much revenue men and women generate, respectively, for the club. And how many of them live in middle class or affluent areas. And whether they’re millennials or boomers. And how much each age group spends on your wine.

Other examples of knowing more about the “who” of your customers:

Here’s the link to this week’s “lookbook” on the WHO part of DTC analysis.

With tools like these, it isn’t about creating hypothetical personas of your potential customers. These are real profiles of your actual customers.

They’re powerful tools, which empower you to do a great job at targeting exactly the right message to exactly the right people who are ready to hear it.

So that they buy more of your wine.

We’d love to help that happen for you. Please be in touch, so we can get started.

Thank you, as always, for reading –


PS Here in the US we’ll be celebrating the Thanksgiving holiday next week, so we’ll be taking a break from Enolytics 101. See you back here on Friday, December 4 as we continue our Who-What-Where-When-How Much series.