Enolytics - Data analytics for the wine and spirits industry.

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DTC Success Spotlight: Smith Story Wine Cellars

Thirty-six hours.

That's about how long Ali Smith Story and Dusty Ann Rhodes of Smith Story Wine Cellars had access to their Enolytics dashboard, populated with their own DTC data via Commerce7, before we touched base with them.

We were curious to see what they had found so far. We knew that Ali and Dusty were highly motivated to uncover insights about their business, so we wanted to hear what steps they took first within the software.

What are their earliest "wins"?

For Smith Story, it comes down to two things: saving time, and understanding which wines their customers consider "staples."

"For me, it's the quickness of the reports that I enjoy the most," Ali said. The Enolytics "dashboard has already saved me hours and hours of downloading reports and then sorting, etc. to find the data I'm looking for."

We love hearing that, especially since Ali and Dusty can now redirect their time and energy to other aspects of the business (namely, selling more wine) rather than be attached to a computer, creating reports.

The second early win for Ali is all about intrigue... and "basket analysis."

"The most intriguing data point that took less than a second to see is what wines customers are buying together," Ali said. "Love that our Sauvignon Blanc and Helluva Vineyard Pinot Noir look like staples."

At some level, Ali and Dusty may have already guessed that. But that hypothesis validated quantitatively, with all of the other details and context for those "staple purchases," is a game-changer for the strategy and growth of the business.

How about you? What are the first few things you'd check out if Enolytics is at your fingertips? We'd love to help you with that. Please drop me a line anytime, and we'll get you started.

Thank you, as always, for reading -